Founding Fathers Warned aganist The Two Party System

Ever noticed the two party system we now have was never referenced in the Constitution?

In George Washington’s Farewell Address of 1796,  he actually warned against the party system we now have.  He feared that it would be used to divide and manipulate us.

As parents, we quickly learn that most two year olds will say no to just about anything.  As a result we learn not to ask or even tell democrat, republicanthem to put their gloves on.  We, instead, ask them, “do you want to wear the red gloves or the blue ones.”  The child is none the wiser for the fact that we have just manipulated the system. Such is how our two party system now treats us…do you want this evil choice or this lesser evil of the two evils? Now that’s an exciting choice.

In the current two party system,  other interests like the Constitution Party, and the Libertarian party find themselves excluded by the Democrats and Republicans. This is exactly what the Founding Fathers feared. I find it ironic that any group who advocated a return to the Constitution, would now be excluded.  I can’t help but think what would the Founding Fathers  say.

Yet, we are told that an independent would not have a chance.  Is that true?

Are you tired of voting for the “lesser of two evils” yet? there is a solution.  We have a choice…we can decide to think outside of the box we have been put in. In 2010 there were some Tea Party groups who decided to do just that.  They had the courage to stand by some independents, and they did get them elected. So yes, it is possible.

A warning though,

(1) don’t vote for someone just because he is charismatic and a strong leader.  Hitler was that, and look what that got us.

(2) Don’t vote for someone simply based on their campaign speeches or websites.   Do you think they are going to tell you anything more than just what they want you to think (true or false)?

Check their record by doing the following:

  • If they are being shunned or ridiculed by the media and controlling parties that might be a good indication for you to check them out, because it might mean they are not part of the “good old boy system.”
  • If they held a Federal level office, you can easily check their voting records at the website, “On The Issues “.  I like to Google  (the candidates name on the issue)  to find the individual candidate on that website. Try it…it is quite revealing.  More good links for checking out candidates are as follows:

  • If they have held a State or City office only, call that State or City, and ask them where can you find their voting records.  They almost always have that available on their websites, and will direct you to it.
  • For those who have never held an office, learn about their record by checking out news articles about them on the web.
  • One can even involve teenage children in the research as a great  lesson plan for teaching them how to do research.

In conclusion, if you are feeling like the two parties do not represent you, you do have a choice. Do your research and vote Republican, Democrat or other if that is your man (or woman).


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About Roma Cox

Education has always been my passion, and I am blessed beyond measure to be allowed to serve in this way. We offer many educational products and school supplies, information, workshops, news letters, tutoring services, volunteer work, and free consultations. Roma can be reached at (904)317-5330 from 9:00 A.M. to 5:00 P.M. EST-U.S.
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